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Tempestus Scion Build v2 (kantrael lasgun)
Spanner 3 months ago
 Tempestus Scion Build v2 (kantrael lasgun)
 Veteran Build - Warhammer 40k: Darktide 

 Tempestus Scion Build v2 (kantrael lasgun)
 Veteran Build - Warhammer 40k: Darktide 



weapon container top
Achlys Mk VI Power Sword
Achlys Mk VI Power Sword
weapon container middle
+10-25% Damage (Flak Armoured Enemies)
+10-25% Damage (Carapace Armoured Enemies)


Increased Cleave and +5-20% Heavy Melee Attack Damage on Energised Attacks.

Power Cycler

Power Cycler

+1-2 Extra Chained Energised Hits and +2.5-10% Impact on Energised Hits.

weapon container bottom
weapon container top
Kantrael Mk VII Infantry Lasgun
Kantrael Mk VII Infantry Lasgun
weapon container middle
+10-25% Damage (Flak Armoured Enemies)
+4-10% Ranged Weak Spot Damage


+14-20 Critical Chance on Weak Spot Hit until your next Critical Hit. Stacks 5 times.



Immune to Ranged Attacks for 0.6-1.2s on Weak Spot Hit.

weapon container bottom


weapon container top
Blessed Bullet
Blessed Bullet
weapon container middle
+13-17% Toughness

+13-17% Toughness

+2-5% Health
+2-5% Toughness
+6-12% Stamina Regeneration
weapon container bottom
weapon container top
Blessed Bullet
Blessed Bullet
weapon container middle
+13-17% Toughness

+13-17% Toughness

+2-5% Health
+2-5% Toughness
+5-20% Damage Resistance (Snipers)
weapon container bottom
weapon container top
Blessed Bullet
Blessed Bullet
weapon container middle
+17-21% Max Health

+17-21% Max Health

+2-5% Toughness
+7.5-30% Toughness Regeneration Speed
+5-20% Damage Resistance (Bombers)
weapon container bottom





Alright the new and improved tempestus scion build is here, with better spacing abilities and armour piercing


The tempestus scions are an elite branch of the guard, sent on the highest priority missions where ruthless and surgical precision are required. in game your job is to be the ranged guardian of the team picking off anything foolish enough to carry a gun. headshots are your way of being merciful to your enemies


strategy: this is a lasgun focused build so naturally you will be using the lasgun for the majority of enemies. if it is smaller than an ogryn it is to be shot and killed. do not worry about marksman's focus stacks, you only need about 3 or 6 stacks (one or 2 headshot kills) to reach breakpoints and most of them are reached by executioners stance anyway. you can move about and reposition as much as you desire.


as for crushers bulwarks and bosses, you have the power sword to take care of that. the energised push attack followed by lights combo will take down all 3 ogryn types if all are headshots, 2 sets of the combo on body shots.


you are not a boss killer but you can get some nice poke on spawns and pogryns if being targeted when using the power sword. if the bosses are ignoring you i'd highly recommend doing covering fire on any nearby chaf and shooters, use grenades if necessary. this will help out the real boss killers immensely


weaknesses: you have low stamina, low dodges and low mobility. getting caught out by an elite melee swing is going to cost you so be extremely specific with dodges. this doesn't mean you cant melee crushers and maulers, only that you need to be aware of their swings too. boss dmg is also not enough to wipe the floor of them which sometimes is necessary.


interchangeables: sunder can be replaced by slaughterer on blessings, your call. Sunder is far superior vs crushers because it applies to the push attack combo but slaughterer can be good for chaining kills on smaller targets.

krak nades can be used in place of frags but frags will give you the spacing needed to actually shoot. you will have to replace grenade regen with demolition team though


and that should be everything. enjoy shooting your way through maelstroms. the empruh protects!

3 months ago