+12-24% Rending on Enemy Weak Spot Hit for 3.5s. Stacks 5 times.
+12.5-20% Critical Chance for 6s on successful Dodge.
Critical hit chance scales by your current heat level up to 27.5-50%. Also increases critical ranged attacks damage by 4-10%.
Up to +7.5-20% Strength scaling with Heat Level.
Dueling Sword = Horde Clear/General Murder ToolShredder Grenades = Stagger/Clear/Oh Shit
Plasma Gun = Kills everything elseTo leverage the most benefit from Demo Stockpile and Demo Team, use grenades consistently to ensure that you're on one grenade in your inventory and are therefore able to avoid wasting the returns from either the timer ticking over a minute, or a lucky proc.
Field Improv applies to any kit, dropped by anyone, anywhere. Optimally, swap weapons around 3 stacks of WS or so to keep the bonus running on both weapons, enjoy the insanely high crit chance interaction. Grenades into a Horde can regen obscene amounts of toughness (and add stacks of weapon specialist).....speaking of toughness, you can take the +25 node below Iron Will if you are willing to sacrifice "On Your Toes" - personal choice.