+12.5-20% Critical Chance for 6s on successful Dodge.
+45-60% Finesse Damage for 2s on successful Dodge.
5-20% Damage Bonus vs Staggered enemies.
Ranged hits add 1-4 stacks of bleed to enemies.
Edit after some testing: Don't wait for 6 charges of Warp Battery before popping SG......if you don't have your full charges, SG provides more damage buffs and will actually aid you in picking up 6 charges rather more rapidly than simply waiting for 6 charges and then popping SG. Yes, in ideal situations you can have SG running AND 6 charges......
You will be "Running Hot" (high peril) a lot of the time in order to ride the bonus window from Warp Unbound......the interaction between the Warp Battery CD reduction and the CD of SG means, in practice, you will be able to spam SG quite consistently, even to the point of overlapping Warp Unbound timers in busy encounters. From Kuli's guide, all credit and thanks to them for providing such a valuable resource.Scaling proportionally with peril, increases the maximum hit mass limit of attacks (melee, ranged, Assail) by up to 100%, thereby allowing attacks to cleave more enemies. For Assail, stacks additively with Ethereal Shards and Empowered Psionics (see the Assail guide section below for a cleave breakpoint table); for other attacks, stacks additively with related buffs from weapon blessings Devastating Strike, Savage Sweep, and Wrath; stacks multiplicatively with power level buffs from weapon blessings.Hit mass & cleave:Every enemy has a specific hit mass, and every attack has a specific hit mass budget. In order to successfully cleave an enemy, an attack's (remaining) hit mass budget is required to be greater than the hit mass of the enemy that is to be cleaved.For example, the Heavy1 of the Combat Blade Mk VI has a max hit mass limit of 6.5. It can cleave one Dreg Rager (4 hit mass) and hit a second one. At 40% peril, the Heavy1 now has a max hit mass limit of 6.5+6.5x0.4=9.1 which means that it can now cleave two Dreg Ragers (2x4=8 total hit mass required) and hit a third one. It cannot cleave the third Rager since this would require a max hit mass limit greater than 3x4=12. At 85% peril, however, the Heavy1's max hit mass limit will be sufficient to reach this breakpoint (6.5+6.5x0.85=12.025) allowing to cleave three Dreg Ragers and to hit a fourth one.Note that Carapace armor cannot be cleaved by default. This talent does not allow to bypass Carapace's built-in aborts_attack mechanic.