A subtle variation on the more well-known Godwyn-Ultima pattern bolt pistol. This human-portable weapon still carries a terrifying punch, provided by the high-calibre mass reactive shells loaded into its clip.
A high-powered weapon with greatly improved damage output.
A lightweight, versatile weapon with improved accuracy while on the move.
Increases the Weapon's Stagger, Impact and Suppression.
How much damage the weapon inflicts.
Measure of Movement Speed, Sprint Speed, and Dodge distance bonus while the weapon is active.
Measure of the time it takes to Reload.
Affects Recoil, Spread and Sway after firing the Weapon.
Shooting swiftly at the expense of some accuracy.
Aim Down Sights for better targeting.
Use the firearm to attack your enemy in close combat.
70-100% Critical Weak Spot Damage.
5-20% Damage Bonus vs Staggered enemies.
18-30% Toughness on Elite Kill.
Point blank shots cause an explosion. Explosion Radius increases by 10-25%.
14-20% Ranged Critical Chance after Melee Kill for 3.5 seconds.
Ranged hits add 1-4 stacks of bleed to enemies.
You can Hipfire with this weapon while Sprinting. 6-15% Close Damage while Sprinting. Also reduces weapon spread at all times by 30%.
10% Critical Chance for every 0.3-0.45 second while aiming. Stacks 10 times. Discharges all stacks upon firing.
The Godwyn-Branx Mk IV Bolt Pistol unlocks for the Zealot at level 11.
The Godwyn-Branx Mk IV Bolt Pistol unlocks for the Psyker at level 7.
The Godwyn-Branx Mk IV Bolt Pistol unlocks for the Veteran at level 9.