+12-24% Rending on Enemy Weak Spot Hit for 3.5s. Stacks 5 times.
+12.5-20% Critical Chance for 6s on successful Dodge.
Gain between 3.5-5% and 14-20% Critical Chance based on current level of peril.
+5-8% Strength for every 10% of magazine spent during continuous fire. Stacks 5 times.
world first havoc 40 no downs build
shooters go pewpewpewpew (very very fast) which makes bubble very stronk
battle mediation is good because you quell 85% slower
shriek isn't taken because the bubble's utility actually matters in this gamemode and shriek's bonus damage isn't as consistent as a quite literal 100% uptime bubble.
you don't need soul stealer, mettle isa more than enough toughness regen in this gamemode
thats about it...