Target receives 1-4 Stack(s) of +10% Damage if already Staggered. Lasts 5s.
+7.5-15% Weak Spot Damage. Weakspot Kills also ignore Enemy Hit Mass.
+5-8% Strength for every 10% of magazine spent during continuous fire. Stacks 5 times.
Hitting an enemy with the special attack gives them 10-16 stacks of 2.5% Brittleness. Debuff lasts for 5 seconds and can have a maximum of 16 stacks.
Ogryn mains rise up. This Havoc 40 tested build offers valuable support as part of a reasonably balanced team comp. Soften Them Up and Valuable Distraction (and brittleness thru Can Opener if the team is lacking otherwise) are good debuffs that are missed when you're used to having them - and that's before the utility of taunt.Slab Shield: H1 spam is your best move, so get used to block cancelling. Thanks to the shield's special, you're able to completely lock down captains (and monstrosities to a lesser degree) and avoid crusher/mauler overheads as a last resort. The special's animation does not have to complete to get the effect, so the only obstacles to this are your immobility while it's active and the end lag to moves like your heavies. Shout or push bosses to aggro, then time your special activations to ignore any damage. Take captains out of the fight while the rest of your team deals with hordes, shooters, and elite packs. Blocking shots to taunt is only really useful against grunt shooters as they're the ones who stop shooting to rush into melee.
Mk 5 Ripper: The best gun that no one uses. It's a reliable sniping weapon if you QQ cancel the recoil. Grunt shooters are easily taken out with this thing as are specials provided they're not pus-hardened. Even if you don't outright kill tougher targets, a few shots are enough to suppress/stagger so you and teammates can close the gap. In Auric, Can Opener isn't terribly useful if your melee already has good armor pen, but here it's a great tool to apply brittleness on monstrosities to buff bleed, burn, and soul blaze since you'll want to kill them asap.Frag Bomb: Think of it more as a CC tool because Ogryn elites are tough enough that they probably won't die from this. Save it for rezzes or if the situation gets too fucking crazy.Loyal Protector+Valuable Distraction+Big Lungs: Great crowd control with a damage debuff. You can use this somewhat liberally since Bruiser gets it back off cooldown quickly due to the insane number of elites in Havoc. It's not just useful for dense elite packs and bosses. You can also position yourself to pull a bunch of scattered shooter grunts.Feel No Pain: Survivablity boost for all the extra aggro you'll be taking. Heavy Hitter does not buff bleed like Heavyweight+Valuable Distraction+Soften Them Up+Payback Time+Skullcrusher do and No Pushover is huge for CC while your ult is on cooldown (it forces Bulwarks to lower their shields, can interrupt Crusher/Mauler overheads, and has surprising reach with the slab).