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 Lorenz Mk VI Rumbler 
 Warhammer 40k: Darktide 

 Lorenz Mk VI Rumbler 
 Warhammer 40k: Darktide 

One of the simplest grenade launchers constructed in the Imperium, "rumblers" have more in common with primitive mortars than the usual weaponry made on the Lorenz forge world.


Level 1
Ogryn Rework
Level 1



A projectile that explodes in a destructive blast radius.

Delayed Detonation

A blast projectile that does not detonate on impact, allowing for bounce shots and timed lobs.



Weapon's Ammo capacity.

  • Ammo Reserve: [15 - 30]

Blast Damage

Measure of the explosion Damage.

  • Damage: [200 - 400]
  • Damage vs Unarmoured: [0.84 - 1.17]
  • Damage vs Infested: [0.84 - 1.17]

Blast Radius

Measure of the explosion Radius.

  • Blast Radius: [5 - 10]
  • Epicentre Radius: [2 - 3]
  • Area Suppression Radius: [10 - 20]
  • Area Suppression: [10 - 20]


Measure of Movement Speed, Sprint Speed, and Dodge distance bonus while the weapon is active.

  • Sprint Speed: [-0.45 - 0.45]
  • Dodge Distance: [0.95 - 1.05]
  • Dodge Limit: [3 - 5]

Penetration (Blast)

Explosion's effectiveness against Armoured enemies.

  • Damage vs Flak Armoured: [0.48 - 1.02]
  • Stagger vs Flak Armoured: [0.67 - 1.33]
  • Damage vs Carapace Armoured: [0.67 - 1.33]
  • Stagger vs Carapace Armoured: [0.67 - 1.33]
  • Damage vs Unyielding: [0.84 - 1.17]
  • Stagger vs Unyielding: [0.84 - 1.17]


Primary Action
Hip Fire • Projectile Hip Fire • Projectile

Hip Fire • Projectile

Shooting swiftly at the expense of some accuracy.

Secondary Action
Braced • Projectile Braced • Projectile

Braced • Projectile

Weapon can be braced to Increase accuracy and stability.

Special Action


Use the firearm to attack your enemy in close combat.

Damage Tables

Available Blessings

Adhesive Charge

Adhesive Charge

Your Grenades stick to Ogryns and Monstrosities. +6-15% Damage vs Ogryns and Monstrosities

Blast Zone

Blast Zone

+3-6% Explosion Radius for every shot fired during continuous fire. Stacks 5 times.

Blaze Away

Blaze Away

+5-8% Strength for every shot fired during continuous fire. Stacks 5 times.



+20-35% Toughness on Elite Kill.

Marksman's Reflex

Marksman's Reflex

+15-30% Reload Speed for 3 on Projectile Weakspot Hit.



Special Attacks gain +10-25% Stagger and ignore Hit Mass Bonus from Armour.

Shattering Impact

Shattering Impact

Target receives 1-4 Stacks of 2.5% Brittleness on direct projectile hit. Debuff lasts for 5 seconds and can have a maximum of 16 stacks.



+1-4 Bleed Stacks from close range explosions.

Available Perks

+4-10% Ranged Critical Hit Damage
+4-10% Ranged Damage (Groaners, Poxwalkers)
+4-10% Ranged Damage (Specialists)
+5-10% Reload Speed
+10-25% Damage (Infested Enemies)
+4-10% Ranged Weak Spot Damage
Increase Ranged Critical Strike Chance by 2-5%
+5-20% Sprint Efficiency
+10-25% Damage (Flak Armoured Enemies)
+10-25% Damage (Maniacs)
+1-2 Stamina (Weapon is Active)
+10-25% Damage (Unyielding Enemies)
+10-25% Damage (Carapace Armoured Enemies)
+10-25% Damage (Unarmoured Enemies)
+4-10% Ranged Damage (Elites)
Lorenz Mk VI Rumbler
Weapon Preview
Lorenz Mk VI Rumbler Weapon - Darktide
Lorenz Mk VI Rumbler Weapon - Darktide
Aiming with Lorenz Mk VI Rumbler
Aiming with Lorenz Mk VI Rumbler
Lorenz Mk VI Rumbler Example
Lorenz Mk VI Rumbler Example

Frequently Asked Questions

At which level does the Lorenz Mk VI Rumbler unlock for the Ogryn in Darktide?

The Lorenz Mk VI Rumbler unlocks for the Ogryn at level 1.

At which level does the Lorenz Mk VI Rumbler unlock for the Ogryn Rework in Darktide?

The Lorenz Mk VI Rumbler unlocks for the Ogryn Rework at level 1.