Reduces Heat buildup by 3-6% and increases weakspot damage by 1-4% for 3s on chained weakspot hits. Stacks 5 times.
Hitting at least 3 enemies with an attack, increases your damage by 24-36% for 3 seconds.
+4.25-5% Strength for every Enemy you Stagger. Stacks 5 times.
Ranged hits add 1-4 stacks of bleed to enemies.
Relic Blade has great Stamina and Block efficiency built into it, so go ham on the wound curios. Bolter because it's the best ranged option basically.
Works in Havoc 40, just get in there and kill shit idk.
Perks/Blessings on the blade are flexible. Cranial/Wrath/Rampage are the best. Flak/Elite/Unyielding/Carapace/Crit Chance all work. Maybe Weakspot damage could work too. I like Unyielding because I do big dam to bosses.