Reduces Heat buildup by 3-6% and increases weakspot damage by 1-4% for 3s on chained weakspot hits. Stacks 5 times.
Hitting at least 3 enemies with an attack, increases your damage by 24-36% for 3 seconds.
+5-8% Strength for every 10% of magazine spent during continuous fire. Stacks 5 times.
Direct hits apply 1-4 Stacks of 1%% Brittleness for 5s. Stacks 20 times
Inspired by an amazing video from Mister E. (, I decided to craft and showcase my own take on the ultimate Zealot support build for Havoc 40.
The melee weapon can be anything you want, really, but for the ranged I strongly recommend the Flamer! Any other weapon makes me feel useless when the huge waves approach.
Main points of the build are:Blades of Faith - Learn to one-shot specials with this, it is both fun and super effective!
Beacon of Purity - This is useful to bring when there is already Benediction in the group, but this aura can be very strong, almost mandatory, for the Blight Spread modifier and even Pox Gas. But even without these modifiers it's a nice quality of life perk, super useful against Beasts of Nurgle too.
Chorus - This is the most important aspect of the build, Chorus is a life saver, stops Crushers literally going past you and blocking your escape, gives breathing room against Poxbursters, Flamers, Trappers, Muties, Hounds.. and can allow you to revive a downed ally. And this is not all! It gives yellow toughness! This is SUPER important, as if you have even 1 point of it, then you can survive any hit - Crusher, burster, sniper, without damage to your health!
Invocation of Death and Pious Cut-Throat - These are what make this build, Chorus is the cornerstone, but these allow you to pretty much spam it! IoD has always been great, but with combination of PCT (lol) it goes over the top! Maybe you are thinking that you rarely backstab enemies? This is not true! Any non-frontal kill is a backstab and this happens very often, believe it or not!