+12-24% Rending on Enemy Weak Spot Hit for 3.5s. Stacks 5 times.
This weapon Blocks both Melee and Ranged attacks. Additionally, Block Cost is reduced by 22.5-30%.
Quell 6.5-8% of your Peril on Weak Spot Hit.
-8.5--5.5% Charge Time on Chained Secondary Attack. Stacks 3 times.
This build is focused on ease of use and maximum utility and is my idea of a support buil for psyker. The main focus is on having the Bubble Shield ability with a very low cooldown to give maximum protection from ranged units and the added bonus of enhanced toughness regeneration while inside the shield. You can use this skill very freely because your cooldowns will be very short.
The Ilisi Force Sword is picked for its great mobility, horde clear, and defensive capability with deflector. Adding +carapace damage along with uncanny strike also allows this weapon to be able to clear maulers and crushers in a reasonable amount of time with either light or heavy attack spam to their heads as you dodge their attacks. Deflector plus Kinetic Deflection also gives you emergency protection from ranged fire by holding block and facing the enemy whenever you find yourself out of position.
The voidstrike staff is used to easily clear hordes, elites, and specials with perks and blessings focused on quick spamming charged shots through crowds. Nailing headshots keeps peril down for maximum uptime.
The playstyle will be focused on doing lots of ranged attacks while pushing forward. Try and stay backline within your group using ranged attacks and provide bubble shields to support your team. Prioritize ranged units, high threat specials, and any elites flanking your frontliners.
Whenever melee units are in your personal space switch to your sword and dodge around them as you take them apart. Remember, attacking the heads of armored units will lower their armor defense. The push attack is also very useful for staggering or even knocking down many units like maulers, poxburster, and ragers and has a reasonably good range.
Use Brain Burst whenever you have a ranged unit or special that is hard to target. Using Brain Burst immediately after your shield will greatly reduce its charging time for 10 seconds making it passable against crusher mobs and monsters. Pre-charging your brain burst for specials that you can hear but not see yet is also very useful.
About the only thing this build doesn't have is high efficiency against carapace or monsters but still does functional damage against them.