+45-60% Finesse Damage for 2s on successful Dodge.
+12.5-20% Critical Chance for 6s on successful Dodge.
+1-4 Burn Stack(s) on Critical Hit to a maximum of 3-12 Stack(s).
+10-16% Toughness on Critical Hit Kill.
Ever seen a Warlock and a Barbarian have a child?
Although Force Sword provides both armor shredding damage and range block, and knife has huge dps with crit chance and attack speed, I use Mk IV Dueling Sword as it has great weak point damage and dodge play. If you get stuck in a crowd, you can shove, special, or swing light attacks until every poxwalker's brain is mush.
Autopistol, Laspistol, Autogun with good mobility. Anything with a distant horde clear and reposition capability. Autos are great for hipfiring into hordes, where the las can be pumped into weak points for great effect.
Many of these feats are focused on nuking big baddies with Brain Burst and quickly and safely recovering, then pushing into melee with a few extra pops from Kinetic Flayer. When you have space, you will play like any other Psyker with the bonus of Cerebral Lacerations to support your “dreamt-up” allies.
ALTERNATIVE: Psychic Communion and Kinetic Overload. Much, much more melee based, as you'll set enemies around you ablaze whenever you get warp, however it lessens reliability, as you have to hope to get a charge from any kill, and you do NOT have a choice who gets the soulblaze, other than elites getting priority. Up to you!
EDIT: Changed Kenetic Shield to Kenetic Deflection for better melee protection.
EDIT 2: Found great range options, edited text to reflect.
EDIT 3: Changed Inner Tranquility to Wrack and Ruin to further the use of Brain Burst, and gain peril quicker for regen if needed.
EDIT 4: Man this is a rough one. So, difficulty quelling since there is no staff or sword so… Essence Harvest.
Check out my other builds, like this Zealot one: