Hitting at least 3 enemies with an attack, restores 12-15% toughness.
Up to +5-20% Strength based on the charge time of your heavy attacks. Stacks 3 times.
+2-5 bullets loaded from Reserve on Critical Hit.
Command and defend your squad!
Twin is meant for horde swatting, just crouch, brace, and unload. Do not worry if flak is mixed in, either you get weak point hits, or you stagger them.
Now, the melee. I use “Brunt Special” since its versatile and great cc, but you can use whatever feels best to you. Since we are stockpiling health, we don't care much about taking a few hits from hordes, as long as the rest of the team is safe you get toughness back quickly.
Feats are based around coherence and survival, as we are trying to connect to the whole team while providing aggressive support. Someone goes down? Charge in like the beautiful abhuman you are and revive em. Getting shot down by a Reaper? Fine, get your aggression out with the Stubber mag dump into them, since your allies arnt getting shot.
EDIT: Changed around curios, more Toughness. Now we partner with vets better. Also changed blessing on club, as Taunt is unobtainable, and the toughness refresh matches our changes. Lastly, found that added perks to damage deal with armour, as charged attack and Thrust is enough for horde or maniacs.
Tools Of War Update: Keeping club, as the pattern is consistent for horde and single target, but feel free to change it yourself. Stubber is changing, Gorgonum will deal a little less dps, but if we keep crouched and braced, we can pierce enemies so that is okay. A slower firing Stubber with the same perks and blessings means we can fire for longer, applying suppression for longer on shooters mixed or behind. And, bigger is better.
Check out my other builds, like this Psyker one: