+5-8% toughness on Chained Hit.
+5-8% Strength for 4.5s on Kill. Stacks 5 times.
+1-4% Toughness for every 10% of magazine spent during continuous fire. Stacks 5 times.
+2-5 bullets loaded from Reserve on Critical Hit.
For the Stubber, any combination of Inspiring Barrage, Blaze Away and Charmed Reload is preferrable, personally due to lack of toughness regen on just firing, I prefer Inspiring Barrage, this buff can go on for longer with Charmed Reload, increased crit chance helps with this as you can sometimes get lucky and be firing non-stop for your entire point-blank barrage, which is enough for you to easily solo a Monstrosity or kill 10 crushers if need be.
Point blank barrage with the burn stacks can cause some insane damage, as for some unknown reason the burn stacks deal absolutely massive damage, and with the stubber you can keep those stacks up. Gorgonum is the best DPS output stubber but the others are also fine if you prefer a higher fire rate, because it does sound cool to be fair.
Ogryn with Bull Butcher is nothing new, swing light attacks to your hearts content, dodge crushers and shove ragers, and you can pretty indefinitely deal with a majority of melee encounters, using point blank or regular switching on the stubber to deal with gunners, trappers and your biggest weakness, snipers, the tiny f*cks are so hard to hit with the stubber, but doable with enough bullets.
Last updated: 19/04/2024