Hitting at least 3 enemies with an attack, increases your cleave by 140-200% for 2 seconds.
+5-8% Strength for 4.5s on Kill. Stacks 5 times.
+5-8% Strength for every 10% of magazine spent during continuous fire. Stacks 5 times.
Target receives 10-16 stacks of 5% Brittleness on weapon special hit. Lasts 5s
Changelog:(I am trying to keep all my guides up to date. Upvote this guide to let me know I should keep updating them)
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This is very similar to the "Heavy-Bull" Ogryn Build that I have posted here: https://darktide.gameslantern.com/builds/9aed56e6-e5f3-4d1f-8109-20b35937380f/endgame-ogryn-heavy-bull-build-auric-ready-guide-by-yobiThe difference is that you play with a Cleaver & Ripper gun therefore there are a couple of adjustments needed to the talent tree.
This build is extremely strong at clearing hordes, mixed hordes and groups of elites.
Generally you will kill these groups way faster than with any other weapon at the expense of boss damage and crowd control especially when it comes to groups of Maulers and Crushers.
However, fear not(!) because Ripper Gun special attack is particularly strong at killing Carapace (and bosses with a little trick we'll talk about in this guide)
Main Synergies:
Important Tips:
Melee Weapon:
Ranged Weapon:
Curios:- Perk: +HP%- Blessings:
Author Notes:
If you made it this far, thank you for reading my guide.
I really hope it was helpful.
If you want to find more guides from me search for "guide by Yobi"
If you want me to continue writing and updating these guides consider Upvoting!