Target receives 1-4 Stack(s) of +10% Damage if already Staggered. Lasts 5s.
+7.5-15% Weak Spot Damage. Weakspot Kills also ignore Enemy Hit Mass.
+5-8% Strength for every shot fired during continuous fire. Stacks 5 times.
+18-30% Strength for 5s when every pellet in a shot hits the same enemy.
Ogryn build designed to spam Kickback in Auric Maelstrom. Insane boss DPS and excellent crowd control, but ammo hungry if you use the Kickback too much. Save PBB for situations that get a little too much to handle or when a boss shows up. Frag bomb is insurance for when you don't have time to start blastin'.
Stick to your melee most of the time to conserve ammo, whip out Kickback when you need to shut something far away down. One shot is enough to suppress a group of Gunners or knock a Sniper flat. Don't hold ADS to try and take advantage of the talents, just fire and forget. You can afford to ignore most small chaff during ability.
Switching to Kickback and then immediately activating Point Blank Barrage skips draw time, as does firing a shot and activating skips reload time. Use this to squeeze extra firepower out of it. If against a boss, get into its face to proc Full Bore.