 Mortis Trials - Buffs 
 Warhammer 40k: Darktide 

 Mortis Trials - Buffs 
 Warhammer 40k: Darktide 

Welcome to the Buffs Overview. Here you'll find a comprehensive breakdown of all the powerful buffs available in Mortis Trials. Each buff is designed to enhance your combat performance and offer a unique advantage as you progress through the trials.


Buff Effect
Enfeebling Blast
Grenade explosions weaken enemies that are hit, making them 100% more vulnerable to shock, bleed and fire for 10s.
Infectious Headache
Using Brain Burst head-pops 10 enemies around the target.
Available with the following talents: Brain Rupture
Burning Resolve
Gain 2% toughness back from dealt fire damage.
Available with the following archetypes: Pyrokinetic
Increases your ability's max stacks by 2.
Unleash Hel
Brain Burst spreads fire to nearby enemies when hitting burning enemies. Killing any enemy with Brain Burst always spreads fire.
Available with the following talents: Brain Rupture
Killing enemies in melee reduces your ability cooldown by 1%
Explosive Impact
Enemies killed with ranged attacks have a 10% chance to explode.
Faith Burns Away Heresy
A pulse emanates from the player every 20 seconds. It applies 5 fire stacks to all targets touched by the wave.
Available with the following archetypes: Pyrokinetic
Thrive in Fire
Recover 100% toughness every 3 seconds, while standing in the fire of a flame grenade.
Available with the following talents: Immolation Grenade
Standing Proud
20% damage reduction for each knocked down or incapacitated ally within 20m.
Available with the following archetypes: Colossus
Versatile Assassin
25% melee damage on ranged kill or 25% ranged damage on melee kill. Lasts 5s.
Available with the following archetypes: Death Dealer
70% reduced damage from Flamers and Bombers.
Available with the following archetypes: Colossus Pyrokinetic
No Escape
Brain Burst applies 5 stacks of burning and bleeding on impact.
Available with the following talents: Brain Rupture
Fueled Resilience
For each burning or shocked enemy within close range, you gain 5 extra toughness.
Available with the following archetypes: Fulminator
Spiteful Reload
Recover one Flying Shard per enemy killed by flying shard hits.
Available with the following talents: Assail
Nullifying Spark
Your team takes 25% less damage from enemies if at least one enemy is still electrified.
Available with the following archetypes: Voltaic
Light The Way
Using Fury of the Faithful leaves a trail of fire in your wake.
Available with the following talents: Fury of the Faithful
No Time To Reload
For each spent ammo in clip, gain 1% melee damage.
Available with the following archetypes: Death Dealer
Quick Draw
Reduce weapon swap time by 25%.
Available with the following archetypes: Death Dealer
Deafening Bellow
Shout now applies infinite bleed to enemies hit.
Available with the following talents: Voice of Command
Warp Storm
Telekine Dome shocks enemies passing through it.
Available with the following talents: Telekine Shield
Well-Placed Rock
Ogryn rock has a 20% chance to instantly kill the target hit.
Available with the following talents: Big Friendly Rock
Soothing Blessing
Heal 3 corruption from your current wound for you and allies in coherency.
Available with the following archetypes: Colossus
Voltaic Transmission
5% to shock enemy on ranged hit.
Available with the following archetypes: Voltaic
Strike First, Think Later
70% increased damage for 10s after leaving stealth.
Available with the following talents: Infiltrate
Speedy Metabolism
Regenerate 1% HP every 5 seconds. This does not heal corruption.
Available with the following archetypes: Colossus
Manstopper Ammo
100% increase of max hit mass penetration for ranged attacks.
Available with the following archetypes: Death Dealer
Light In The Darkness
Fury of the Faithful creates a ring of fire around the player until you charge forward.
Voltaic Barrier
Successful melee block shocks the target for 2 seconds.
Available with the following archetypes: Fulminator
Simmering Rage
Gain 25% damage every second while holding your friendly rock. Max 400% increase.
Available with the following talents: Big Friendly Rock
Power Leak
Every 10s, trigger an AOE shock on a random enemy within 10m of the player.
Envigorating Cry
Venting Shreik boosts allies damage and toughness resistance by 0.5 for 5 seconds if the ability touches them.
Available with the following talents: Venting Shriek
Full Auto
Veteran stance grants your magazine infinite ammo capacity.
Available with the following talents: Executioner's Stance
A Picture Of Health
Increase Toughness Damage Reduction by 50% while above 75% Toughness.
Available with the following archetypes: Colossus
Purifying Prayers
Zealot chorus of spiritual fortitude removes corruption up to 25% of Max HP.
Available with the following talents: Chorus of Spiritual Fortitude
Practiced Operator
7% reload speed on melee kill. Stacks 5 times.
Available with the following archetypes: Death Dealer
Lightning Reflexes
If hit within 2s of a successful dodge, shock the assailant.
Available with the following archetypes: Voltaic
Geminating Grenades
50% chance for a duplicate grenade to explode when one of your grenades explodes.
Deal 20% increased damage.
Available with the following archetypes: Death Dealer
Burning Retribution
Applies 5 fire stacks to enemies who hit you in melee.
Available with the following archetypes: Fulminator Pyrokinetic
When your Toughness is Broken, deal 60% increased damage for 10s.
Available with the following archetypes: Colossus
Each shot applies minor stagger to the target hit.
In The Thick Of It
Replenish 2.5% toughness per second while within 5 meters of at least 3 enemies.
Available with the following archetypes: Colossus Death Dealer
That One's Free
No ammo consumption on critical hits.
Available with the following archetypes: Death Dealer
Burning Blades
Flying Shards applies burning on hit.
Available with the following talents: Assail
Gain 2 additional wounds.
Available with the following archetypes: Colossus
Voltaic Violence
20% chance to shock enemy on melee hit for 2s.
Available with the following archetypes: Voltaic Fulminator
Born Leader
Fury of the Faithful triggers Voice of Command on impact.
True Grit
Replenish 5% toughness on ranged kill.
Available with the following archetypes: Death Dealer
Coulda Swore That Was Empty
While using a melee weapon your ranged weapon's magazine refills itself with 5% per second.
Voltaic Conductor
Deals 50% damage to electrified targets.
Available with the following archetypes: Voltaic Fulminator
Consuming Flames
Allies have 20% improved damage against burning targets.
Available with the following archetypes: Pyrokinetic
Lock and Unload
80% increased ranged damage for 5s after reload.
Available with the following archetypes: Death Dealer
Void-Touched Grenades
When your grenade explodes, it also creates a warp shield around the area of the explosion.
Deals 70% damage against burning targets.
Available with the following archetypes: Pyrokinetic
Rain of Fire
Ranged attacks apply 2 stack of burn.
Available with the following archetypes: Fulminator Pyrokinetic
Burn! Burn! Burn!
Burning damage increases according to the amount of burning targets, up to 90%.
Available with the following archetypes: Pyrokinetic
Lucky Me
90% chance to throw 2 grenades at once.
Haywire Upgrade
All grenades apply AOE shock on hit.
Available with the following talents: Immolation Grenade , Stunstorm Grenade , Smoke Grenade , Shredder Frag Grenade , Frag Bomb
Graviton Upgrade
Pull all enemies towards the grenade impact within a 5m radius.
Available with the following talents: Krak Grenade
Grounding Discharge
Shock the closest enemy every 2 seconds.
Available with the following archetypes: Voltaic
Stoke the Flames
Fire stacks remain 40% longer on target while you are in coherency.
Available with the following archetypes: Fulminator Pyrokinetic
Lucky Shot
The first 25% ammo after a reload has 30% ranged critical hit chance.
Available with the following archetypes: Death Dealer
Draining Bite
Throwing knives apply bleeding. If the target dies while bleeding, recover 10% of the remaining bleeding stacks.
Available with the following talents: Blades of Faith
10% chance of replenishing 3 grenades when killing an enemy with a grenade explosion.
Available with the following talents: Krak Grenade , Shredder Frag Grenade , Frag Bomb , Bombs Away!
Ogryn Grenade gains 100% damage and doubles the blast radius.
Available with the following talents: Frag Bomb
Circuit Breaker
On Toughness Break, shock all enemies within 5m area.
Available with the following archetypes: Voltaic Colossus Fulminator
Burn Heretic
Applies 1 fire stacks to enemies who you hit in melee.
Available with the following archetypes: Pyrokinetic
Burning Charge
Using Indomitable leaves a trail of fire in its wake.
Available with the following talents: Indomitable
Look What I Found
Replenish 1 Grenade every 20 seconds.
Voltaic Mastery
Smite does not need to charge to do max damage.
Available with the following talents: Smite
Shattering Explosion
Grenade explosion applies 75% brittleness to targets hit.
Warp Shroud
While being under Scriers Gaze, the psyker takes 65% less damage from all sources.
Available with the following talents: Scrier's Gaze
Ooh, Burn!
Ogryn taunt applies 15 burning stacks to enemies.
Available with the following talents: Loyal Protector
Stand And Shoot
Ranged attacks gain 100% penetration on critical hits during Point-Blank Barrage.
Available with the following talents: Point-Blank Barrage
Pinpoint Volley
Landing 3 Headshots in a row with a ranged weapon gives 6s of infinite ammo. Has a 10s cooldown.
Available with the following archetypes: Death Dealer
Chase Me!
Indomitable taunts enemies touched. Moreover, you take less 40% damage from taunted enemies for 10s.
Available with the following talents: Indomitable
Biggest Box Of Hurt
Big Box of Hurt drops 2 frags, 1 krak, 1 smoke, 1 fire and 1 shock.
Available with the following talents: Bombs Away!
Explosive Pick-Me-Up
Grenade explosion also heals 30% health to you or your allies within the blast radius.
Enervating Shock
Stun grenades add 150% damage to the next attack received by the target.
Available with the following talents: Stunstorm Grenade
Catch Me If You Can
Dodge is {fast%s} faster and has 15% more range.
Available with the following archetypes: Voltaic Fulminator
Shocking Resilience
Take 25% less damage from enemies if at least one target is still electrified.
Available with the following archetypes: Voltaic
You can not be staggered anymore by any source.
Give stealth to nearby allies upon entering stealth. While in stealth become invulnerable and able to attack without canceling stealth.
Available with the following talents: Infiltrate
Shrug It Off
20% of damage taken is converted to ability cooldown reduction.
Available with the following archetypes: Colossus Fulminator
Stay Back!
Every 10 seconds, trigger a staggering pulse around you.
Storm Clouds
Smoke Grenade's cloud is electrified, shocking any enemies passing through it.
Available with the following talents: Smoke Grenade
Voltaic Vengeance
5% chance of instantly killing an electrified enemy when hit in melee.
Available with the following archetypes: Voltaic
Venting Roar
Venting Shriek staggers any enemy type.
Available with the following talents: Venting Shriek